Improv Chattanooga

Bethany Morgan
Bethany has been learning and performing improv for 24 years and considers herself a passionate student of the art. She is an alumni of the Second City Training Center (Chicago), iO Training Center (Chicago), Annoyance Training Center, and Chemically imbalanced Comedy where she's had the great privilege of learning from some of the major players in the Chicago improv scene. She likes to borrow and steal from all the notable methods of improv to help create something truly magical within a scene or a show. While "Yes, and" has become synonymous with improv, she pushes herself and her students to play authentically, intelligently, and fueled with emotional commitment.
David Sarton
David Sarton has performed improv for over 20 years, having performed improv primarily in his college town of Hattiesburg, Mississippi. He has been part of Improv Chattanooga since 2017 and has served as a teacher since 2023. He also performs stand-up at Chattanooga-area open mics. He lives in Red Bank with his father and three poorly-behaved cats.
Jason Parker
Jason is thrilled to bring his 27 years of experience teaching and performing improv all across the country here to the Chattanooga community. Prior to moving to Chattanooga, Jason spent 15 years in Chicago, during which time he served as an instructor, coach, and performer at Westside Improv, helping establish the theater while cultivating a thriving improv community. In addition to furthering improv as a performative artform, he also trains organizations all over the world in the practice of improv to help teams build trust, foster connections, and strengthen creativity and collaboration.
Class Info
Level One: Introduction to Improv with Bethany Morgan
Level Two: Intermediate Improv with David Sarton
Level Three: Long Form with Jason Parker
We also have direct links for registering for those classes:
Level One: Introduction to Improv with Bethany Morgan - Click Here to Sign Up
Level Two: Intermediate Improv with David Sarton - Click Here to Sign Up
Level Three: Introduction to Long Form with Jason Parker -- Click Here to Sign Up